8 research outputs found

    Konsekwencje wyboru norm projektowych dla zużycia materiału na przykładzie dźwigara dachowego z drewna klejonego

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    The consequence of the membership of Poland in the European Union is the unification of the law, including the adaptation of Polish Building Standards to the European equivalents. Actually the designer is allowed to choose the Standards. It follows the differences in material use and its cost. The paper describes the details of the calculation timber elements, specially glued laminated timber in Eurocodes. The calculations results of double tapered beams made of glued laminated timber obtained by using both standards, analyzes and conclusions are presented in the paper.Konsekwencją wejścia w skład państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej jest ujednolicenie prawa, w tym także przystosowanie Polskich Norm Budowlanych do europejskich odpowiedników. W obecnym okresie przejściowym projektant ma możliwość wyboru norm projektowych, co może skutkować różnym życiem materiałów konstrukcyjnych, a zatem i kosztem. W artykule przybliżono specyfikę norm eurokodowych w zakresie projektowania elementów drewnianych, w szczególności dźwigarów dachowych z drewna klejonego. Zamieszczono wyniki obliczeń przykładowego dwutrapezowego dźwigara dachowego przeprowadzone według obu norm wraz z ich analizą

    Grammatical Case Based IS-A Relation Extraction with Boosting for Polish

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    Pattern-based methods of IS-A relation extraction rely heavily on so called Hearst patterns. These are ways of expressing instance enumerations of a class in natural language. While these lexico-syntactic patterns prove quite useful, they may not capture all taxonomical relations expressed in text. Therefore in this paper we describe a novel method of IS-A relation extraction from patterns, which uses morpho-syntactical annotations along with grammatical case of noun phrases that constitute entities participating in IS-A relation. We also describe a method for increasing the number of extracted relations that we call pseudo-subclass boosting which has potential application in any pattern-based relation extraction method. Experiments were conducted on a corpus of about 0.5 billion web documents in Polish language

    Incremental document map formation: multi-stage approach

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    The paper presents methodology for the incremental map formation in a multi-stage process of a search engine with the map based user interface1. The architecture of the experimental system allows for comparative evaluation of different constituent technologies for various stages of the process. The quality of the map generation process has been investigated based on a number of clustering and classification measures. Some conclusions concerning the impact of various technological solutions on map quality are presented

    Adaptive Document Maps

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    Abstract. As document map creation algorithms like WebSOM are computationally expensive, and hardly reconstructible even from the same set of documents, new methodology is urgently needed to allow to construct document maps to handle streams of new documents entering document collection. This challenge is dealt with within this paper. In a multi-stage process, incrementality of a document map is warranted. 1 . The architecture of the experimental system allows for comparative evaluation of different constituent technologies for various stages of the process. The quality of the map generation process has been investigated based on a number of clustering and classification measures. Some conclusions concerning the impact of incremental, topic-sensitive approach on map quality are presented

    BEATCA: map-based intelligent navigation in WWW

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    Abstract. In our research work, we explore the possibility to exploit incremental, navigational maps to build visual search-and-recommendation system. Multiple clustering algorithms may reveal distinct aspects of the document collection, just pointing to various possible meanings, and hence offer the user the opportunity to choose his/her own most appropriate perspective. We hope that such a system would become an important step on the way to information personalization. The paper presents the architectural design of our system